LUCAS – In May, the Lucas Arts & Humanities Council, Inc board of directors named Chandler Reich-Sellens as the new Executive Director of the Grassroots Art Center.

Chandler recently graduated from Fort Hays State University, Summa Cum Laude, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing, a Bachelor of Science in Education, and a certificate in Art History. Chandler worked at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History while attending FHSU. She comes to the Grassroots Art Center as a county resident in Russell but was originally born in Shawnee Mission KS. She added “It has been my dream to work for such an artistic and creative community! I am very excited to bring my skills and talents to the Grassroots Art Center and ready to learn as much as possible from Rosslyn.”
Chandler will be responsible for curating new exhibits, establishing relationships with new grassroots artists, and overseeing staff, programs, and physical structures managed and owned by LAHC, Inc. In addition, Chandler will work closely with the Board of Directors to build a membership base, create a sustainable funding strategy, lead continuing outreach efforts to partner groups and the public and oversee the organization's administration, programs, and strategic plan.
Rosslyn Schultz has served as its only Executive Director and was part of the original group of Lucas area residents who created the organization. Under her direction, the Grassroots Art Center has become a leading exhibitor and collector of “self-taught” grassroots artists and their work in the US. Several years ago, the board of directors began the process of creating a vision for the future and set in motion the pursuit of Rosslyn Schultz's replacement by conducting strategic planning sessions. Last fall, an official search for a new Executive Director was set in motion, to find someone to continue this mission, pursue new initiatives, and maintain the successes of the previous 25 years. As such, a passion for visionary/grassroots art and artists is essential.
Executive Director Rosslyn Schultz will retire in September from the Executive Director position at Lucas Arts & Humanities Council, Inc. Rosslyn offered “It has been my dream job, I’ve loved meeting eccentric Kansans at their home sites, expanding the art center, and meeting so many great people.” Mike Tucker, Lucas Arts & Humanities Council board president offered “This is an exciting new chapter for us. While it’s impossible to replace Rosslyn and her enthusiasm and skills in promoting self-taught art, we think we found someone who is up to the task in Chandler. She has a passion for art and a skill set that has already been utilized to update social media marketing and the website”.
The Lucas Arts & Humanities Council, Inc (LAHC), also known as the Grassroots Art Center, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate, exhibit, document, and preserve the grassroots, self-taught, visionary art environments found in Kansas and the Midwest and exhibit and foster folk art of the region.
What a jewel of an art gallery and center! Chandler Reich-Sellers, executive director, was impressive and full of insight into the unique artists housed there.
We look forward to meeting Chandler if we ever get back to Lucas, one of the best travel destinations in America!